Thursday, March 27, 2008

What happened to my babies???

Well, it's official. The sweet, cooperative, quiet baby that I thought I had, is no longer. :( Madi has decided to grace us with some evening tunes! She thinks that crying from about 7-10 every night seems like a good idea, and this week from 7-10 in the morning! What the heck is going on here??? On top of all that, the girl WILL NOT take a pacifier and just gets even more mad if I try to feed her if she's not hungry (i.e. tries to take my nipple off) even though she's constantly got her hands in her mouth. Then when we finally think we've got her calmed down and she's almost asleep, she projectile vomits or poops and we have to get her changed which just gets her going all over again.

Oh and did I mention that now Olivia has started waking up at various times throughout the night in terrifying screams? Poor little girl. Thank God - literally - that I have Matt. I don't know if other husbands/dads are as hands on as he is, but he is pretty much just amazing and has been my rock. I really think he's getting less sleep than I am at this point because at least Madi will fall asleep and put me to sleep when she nurses in the night. Olivia stays up for hours at a time.

Needless to say the tears that have probably been long overdue just flowed out of me this morning. I kind of knew this was coming, but I was really hoping that it wasn't, ya know? So we will just continue to pray and try to do the best we can. In the meantime, I guess we'll just have to take deep breaths until this passes -- it's going to pass, right??

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