The 4 of us at the Easter Egg Hunt in our neighborhood!
Hard to believe it's been 2 months since I posted last. Things have been a little nutty, but good around here!
Olivia is getting so big! Hard to believe she'll be 3 next month! She has really been learning a lot and has learned how to spell her name! She has been wearing big girl panties for a couple months now and is peeing in the potty all day long! She's still afraid to poo poo in the potty, so we're just trying to stay patient with that one!
Madi started walking at 12 months and is now a little pro at it! I think if givin the option, she would climb stairs all day long, so thank goodness for baby gates! She has had a bit of a personality change too! I definitely have a very strong, stubborn little girl in this one! Found out she got put in time out at Mother's Day Out for taking the other kids' toys and food! haha! I guess she has to put up with it at home so decided to get a little payback at school!
The girls have really been playing well together and are SO EXCITED that the weather is finally nice enough to play outside! Now that Madi's walking she can pretty much hang with the big kids!
Here are some of my favorite pics from the last couple months!

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