Well it's been awhile since my last blog, but things have been going really well! Olivia is in and out of her "terrible 2s" and as of lately she has been such a sweetheart!!! Madi is FINALLY sleeping through the night!! YAY!! I knew this day would eventually come, but I'm so glad it's here. Madi is such a good baby! She is so laid back and giggles all the time. I love this age!
Olivia just started gymnastics last week and already LOVES it! I, however, do not love her teacher but that's probably because I was a gymnastics teacher for years and he just doesn't teach the way I would. So I'm a little overly critical. What else is new! ANYWAYS.... the point is, she loves it and is having a blast! She is also starting to communicate so much better. Some of her favorite phrases are "What are ya doin?" (in her best southern belle accent,) "I do it." "Come here." and "Be right back" (which usually means she'll be going to do something she's not supposed to!) I still have yet to cut her hair. I go back and forth about every other week. Some days I think it would look so cute in a little bob, but then there are days when I love it long and the fact that I'm able to put it up in a ponytail with bows. :) We are dabbling in potty training and we have some good days and some bad days. I am definitely open to advice in this area!!! She is absolutely in love with her sister and I swear would claim her as her own daughter if she could. She is constantly wanting to feed her and play with her and so far hasn't gotten jealous of her. I'm sure that will all change as soon as Madi is big enough to fend for herself! haha
Madi is just wonderful. She went through a really tough stage for about 3 months, but ever since the "colic" went away, things have been so much better. She is such a chunky monkey! She has got those rolly polly thighs that you just can't help but squeeze! She is eating cereal and fruits and vegetables and LOVES it all! haha Oh and she loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She will just sit and watch it and laugh the whole time! I've got video of it I'll try to post! She can almost sit up without support but is taking her time in the rolling and crawling department. She just strikes me as the personality type that is not in any hurry! Wonder where she gets that from!
Well anyways, there's a little update! Hope you're all doing well!!
1 comment:
yea! olivia is sleeping through the night! that makes such a HUGE difference in your life.
madi and gymnastics, so sweet... that is one thing i would have done for sure if God has given me a girl!
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