We also had some fun visits with Uncle Cory & Aunt Hillary (Titi) here in Nashville and the girls went down to Destin to stay with my parents for a long weekend so Matt and I could take a much needed vacation! We went to a few birthday parties, including my own, and had a lot of fun with friends throughout the month!
Just this past weekend we celebrated Madilyn's 1st birthday! We had some friends over for a little celebration! I can't believe she's already 1. She even took her first step last night! Matt and I were sitting on the floor in the kitchen (this is a nightly occurance) and she just stood up and took 1 little step toward him! It was so neat that we were both there to experience it!
Here are some of her party pics!

On a bittersweet note, my Great-Grandmother, Lola Holstine Kelly, passed away after living an incredible life for 98 years. She would have been 99 in September. We all went back to Macomb, IL for her funeral and it was really wonderful to get to see my family. She was such an inspiration to me, living her life to the fullest. Age was literally just a number to her. She lived on her own, in her own apartment until about a year ago. When she started slipping a little bit, not eating and getting pretty depressed because she was so lonely, my Gram decided it would be best to move her to a nursing home. What a difference it made. She perked right up! She was her old self again, playing piano for the other residents, playing cards with friends and of course talking away to anyone who would listen! That it what I'll remember most about her. Her viberence, her incredible music skills, and her candor. Although she never got sick, Ga Ga's body started shutting down a few months ago and she passed away in her sleep on February 6th.
I will miss her deeply and I love her so much, but I know that she is watching over us from heaven and probably even bossing Jesus around a little bit!
Lola, Bonna, Brenda, Nicki